Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Command Center: Death from the Sky: Blood Angels 2k

Hello and happy Sunday! Well like I said, this will be a new series of posts I will try to make every Sunday, where I cover different kinds of armies that can be built with all codex's. Today I present an army list for the Blood Angels, which I hope will soon be the next force in my collection. Before I get into specifics about the armies tactics, I shall present the list:

Chapter Master Gabriel Seth

Honor Guard

  • Blood Champion
  • Power Weapon
  • Power Fist
  • Drop Pod
Furioso Dread
  • Drop Pod

Assault Squad(10)
  • Power Weapon
  • Flamer
  • Meltagun
Assault Squad(10)
  • Power Weapon
  • Flamer
  • Meltagun
Assault Squad(10)
  • Power Weapon
  • Flamer
  • Meltagun
Assault Squad(10)
  • Power Weapon
  • Flamer
  • Meltagun
Death Company(10)
  • Drop Pod
  • 2 Power Weapons
Death Company Dread w/ Blood Talons
  • Drop Pod

-Fast Attack-
Vanguard Vets(5) w/ Jump Packs

This list is made for simply deep-striking and punching face. I may change this to incorporate an armored fire-base that can shoot but still stay mobile. As a gamer that believes troops win battles, I made sure to bring more than enough, considering a lack of heavy support means the enemy can bring more fire to bear down on my infantry. So 40 marines should be enough be enough to overrun and take objectives(I say 40 because the 10 DC are not scoring. Just in case ya didn't know). My anti-tank will come in the form of the meltaguns in my assault squads and the Furioso, which can also stop an Ork mob and maybe kill some MC's. Seth and his guard will drop down together and probably go after other elite units, as long as Feel no Pain is enough protection to get the job done. For any nasty units that can mow down marines(Dark Reapers come to mind), my Vanguard will come down and hopefully tie them up to protect the rest of my force while they wait to assault next turn.

To close, I will make sure my Burna Boy project stays updated, expect a quick update on what I've done so far in the next hour or so.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

New Conversion Project: Burna Boyz! Part 1: Time to Prepare! (Now with PICTURES!)

Now that I have something interesting to talk about, I can finally bring this blog back from the dead(again)! And why not start with a good old project to work on? And I believe I will also start a weekly army list post, where I choose a random army, pick a theme(footslog, mech, etc.), and make an army list to post since I tend to waste spare time making army lists. Anyway, back to the headline story:

After looking around my gaming room I remembered there is a new box of Ork Boyz sitting right on my desk, staring at me. I began to wonder why I got them in the first place, since I love my Troops how they are(Nobz are troops due to my Warboss, 30 sloggin Slugga boyz, and 10 'ard Shootas in a trukk, all of which work very well). So after deciding it's not worth converting Stormboyz since the GW models are so awesome, I decided I might as well make Burna Boyz since I have the spare Burnas from my Burna/Loota boy box(I used them to make more Kommandos), flamers from an imperial guard box(the big 20-man box of cadians they used to have), and flamers from my Tau army(Don't use flamers with my Suits), I thought it would be more than possible.

This fire effect looks like a weapon arm from the Possessed Marine sprue, which I have, so expect to see this on my Boyz!(Pic from Dakka gallery, not my work)

Anyway, I'm still coming up with ideas in the mean-time for the individual Boys(I was thinking of the Tankbustas set where one has a rokkit on a pistol, so why not make a little hand-flamer?), so I will update my adventure next week. In the meantime, I will make sure to post an army list tomorrow, I will start with the lists I actually use that really work well for me.