Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog #3 - Rant - How Long Until We Should Buy?

Some of you might be having a problem with this, i dont know, but right now im going through it. How long should we look over and research the new army you want to get before you start to devote money to it? I have been doing serious research in my new Doom Eagles Space Marine army, and its been weeks, and i still dont feel completely confident in what im doing. The main reason(at least for me) is making a list that is both extremely lethal, while still having every unit i could ever want from that army(or at least what i can afford at the time, which would mean expanding later, but thats for another day). The balance is sometimes hard to find, since although it would be awesome for your dream unit to have everything you can give it, it probably wont be too effective, depending on what unit it is. Since im typing this on my phone, i will need to wait and post my army list later, but i constantly feel myself getting closer to that balance.

Now comes another question we need to ask ourselves: how important is proxying your army before the buy? Do you even feel the need to proxy? This is also be a decision to make, and it mostly depends on your experiance. If, for example, you have played eldar many times over, with quite a bit of variation between the armies. You would have more knowledge of how eldar units work than if youve only played one or 2 games against them. This is where proxying would be a safe option to take, just in case you dont enjoy playing with your army on the tabletop. Play with friends mostly, since they will(most likely) be the most willing to let you. Thats not to say that anyone at your LGS wouldnt be willing to, just the opposite; i rarely meet a player that isnt really kind, a reason why i love this hobby so much.

I can tell that this is going to go on for a long time, so im gonna cut this off for now and continue later. So until then!
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